Hussam alhinai
Hi,I'm Hussam alhinai,18 years old „I'm originally from bahla/ghafat, but residing in Muscat. I'll take over the story today.
I started skateboarding after I saw my brother get into it. We used to live in Germany and there was a skatepark 20 feet in front of our house and it's all we would look at. After we moved to Brunei, my brother got gifts by our older sisters. They were skateboards, and it was the best thing we have ever seen at the time, even though they were fake, crappy skateboards.
We didn't take skateboarding seriously until we moved to Oman, we struggled a lot. There was no skatepark in the country at the time, so we were stuck skating on the streets and on private property. But we'd just end up getting the cops called on us. We are just trying to practice what we love and have a good time. But the community here doesn't understand that, they just see us as destructive teenagers. Especially since skateboarding is such a westernised sport, it's not too familiar in Oman. However we have made amazing progress with @omanskate trying to teach the community a new concept and why we do what we do in hopes of some other omanis falling in love with the sport the same way we did.
Quarantine is a tough time for me since the us and the @omanskate government ordered community to close down the skatepark due to Covid-19. However I couldn't just not skate, I guess I'm addicted to the sport, it's a method of 'escape from reality' for me and a stress reliever. So I just took the time to practice by the driveway at the house. However we took the opportunity that everywhere was closed to skate the spots that are typically a 'bust' so we can skate it in peace without getting cops called on us. We made sure to take the proper precautions in doing so due to Covid-19.